Practice and Career Studies


Many students already gain practical and professional experience in the form of practice during their studies, either through involvement in a specific study or through an individual employment relationship. This often takes place at carriers, transport operators or engineering companies. This is one of the reasons why our students usually have no problem with choosing a topic and preparing a quality final qualification thesis. We strongly support these activities in The group team.

AŽD Praha, s.r.o.
ČD Cargo, a.s.
Doprava ústeckého kraje
Leo Expres
ROPID - Regionální organizátor pražské integrované dopravy
ŽESNAD - Železniční sdružení nákladních dopravců
Deloitte Advisory


In most cases, our graduates remain in the field of study. They are useful by public transport organizers, transport authorities, including the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic, carriers, infrastructure managers and engineering companies. The demand for graduates in the long term exceeds supply.

We stay in touch with The group graduates both by their involvement in our discussion group and by regular research group meetings in an extended format, which usually takes place at the end of the year and at the end of the summer semester. This contact further deepens the cooperation with the practice, where it significantly facilitates students and graduates orientation in the field of study and the start of their career, and allows graduates to continue to gain knowledge from the academic sphere at the same time. And where you can actually meet our graduates?

Arriva vlaky s.r.o.
BusLine, a.s.
CEDOP - Centrum pro efektivní dopravu, o.s.
IDSK - Integrovaná doprava Středočeského kraje
IVT - Institute for Transport Planning and Systems - ETH Zürich
JIKORD - Jihočeský koordinátor dopravy
JHMD - Jindřichohradecké místní dráhy, a.s.
KIDSOK - Koordinátor Integrovaného dopravního systému Olomouckého kraje
Koordinátor ODIS s.r.o.
KOVED - Koordinátor veřejné dopravy zlínského kraje
Královéhradecký kraj
Ministerstvo dopravy ČR
RRA PK - Regionální rozvojová agentura Plzeňského kraje o.p.s. - Plzeň
Švýcarské spolkové dráhy
Správa železnic, státní organizace
TSK Praha a.s.
Vyšší odborná škola a Střední průmyslová škola dopravní Masná