Integral periodic timetable in the Czech Republic Periodic Timetable Research Groups

The group Integral periodic timetable in the Czech Republic (17X1IG, 17X2IG) is intended for students in the field LOG / LA - Logistics and Transport Processes Control in bachelor's and master's studies.

What tact stands for?

Periodic timetable (also known as clock-face timetable) is a way of organizing especially public passenger transport. It can be used not only on railway, you can also find it, for example, on the backbone lines in bus transport. Periodic timetable is based on a fixed interval of lines (period), which connect in nodes, where mutual transfer is allowed between them. In addition, these lines have a uniform time axis of symmetry, which means that connections that can be carried out in one direction can also take place on the way back in the same manner.

Let's take a simple example. Every hour (X: 00) the trains meet at the junction, passengers can change to any connection. Shortly after an hour, the trains set off. After half of the cycle time (at the hourly cycle, ie at X:30), the opposite connections of the given line meet, a crossing occurs on a single-track line. Shortly before the next hour, the trains will reunite so that the same transfer connections can be made as the previous hour.

What are we doing

Do you want to be where something is happening? Are you interested in timetables? Do you want to learn something and create something? Then you have come to the right place!
What would you lose if you didn't take advantage of our tempting offer?

  • The opportunity to work for a sect of math freaks on something that they will unfortunately never get away with, but they will keep trying.
  • Rewriting track-ratio tables into a German-speaking program.
  • Learning about the German and Swiss tact model by translating the fun ordinances and laws there and comparing them to our "legislation".
  • Merrily scribbling coloured lines on the network map for your own pleasure (it's called long-distance network planning, or line planning).
  • And, of course, a few sleepless nights, when your ideas just don't work out when you try to sketch up a timetable on the computer and you have to start all over again several times
  • Surely there's no need to write at length about such commonplace things as bringing refreshments to senior peers at project meetings, is there?
  • And you will hear many other cheerful things on the topic of your work from your colleagues, of course well-meant. It is called constructive criticism :-)

Not interested? Then please go back where you came from, because this is your last chance. Besides, that's not entirely true, because of course we need you for something "completely" different, right?

  • New ideas for studies for our partners - mostly regions and foreign carriers.
  • Assistance with the maintenance of Czech track databases (updates, i.e. mostly speed reductions, etc.).
  • And many, many more fun and playful - just exactly what you could think of the best possible project!

Research group meetings

Our project meets regularly once every 2 weeks together with sister groups. With delicious sandwiches, we discuss current problems of public transport or consult bachelor's and master's theses. Join the meeting without obligation, see current dates.

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Our Team

Ing. Zdeněk Michl

Research Group Leader, Assistant Professor CTU FTS K617

„Travelling to Zdeněk,
what was the right ticket?!“

Research Topic: "Microsimulation design in railway station process models"

17TEDL - Transport Technology and Logistics
17TVD - Technology of Public Transport
17TZND - Technology of Railway Transport
17IVED - Integration of Public Transport
17Y2MS - Microsimulation of Railway Operation

Ing. Rudolf Vávra

Research Group Leader, Ph.D. Student CTU FTS K617

"Wherever you are, you`re still in the wider Rakovník area"

Research Topic: "Transport optimization of zone sizes in multi-level serviced areas"

11DOPM - Transportation Planning and Modeling
17TEDL - Transport Technology and Logistics
17TZND - Technology of Railway Transport
17Y2SJ - Network Timetabling on Railway

Ing. David Juřík

Research Group Leader, Ph.D. Student CTU FTS K617

"One sits, it goes, that's all you need to live"

Research Topic: "Indicators of transport infrastructure and operational concepts affecting Modal-Split"

17TVD - Technology of Public Transport

Our Students


Pocházím z Uherského Hradiště. Už od dětství se u mě projevoval zájem o dopravu, například prohlížením jízdních řádů nebo hlášením vlakových zastávek spolucestujícím. O studiu dopravy jsem nicméně začal uvažovat až v prvním ročníku na jiné VŠ. Můj zájem o veřejnou dopravu do značné míry vychází z mé záliby v geografii, zkrátka mě baví v nějakém území na základě analýzy poptávky vymýšlet nové koncepce. Z důvodu neexistujícího přímého spojení a pomalé železnici bych se chtěl v bakalářské práci věnovat dálkové autobusové dopravě mezi Jihlavou a Hradcem Králové.


Pocházím z Rudné u Prahy, jednoho z mnoha satelitů Prahy. Jako malý jsem neustále brečel. Asi jen tak. Přestal jsem až při jízdě nějakým dopravním prostředkem. Když jsem začal chodit a vnímat svět kolem sebe, byl jsem nejšťastnější při pozorování vlaků na nádraží a opět jízdě dopravními prostředky. A tak jsem ve společnosti veřejné dopravy strávil tolik času, že už mě nepustila. Přesná organizace veřejné dopravy přináší do někdy chaotického a nepravidelného života potřebný řád, a proto je mým koníčkem i zálibou dodnes. Toto celoživotní postižení letos vyvrcholilo také nástupem do DP hl. m. Prahy na pozici řidič autobusu. Téma bakalářské práce jsem si vybral na základě dopravních problémů v mém regionu, kde dochází k rychlému zvyšování počtu obyvatel, což si žádá změny v provozní koncepci veřejné dopravy. Jsem také předsedou Drážní společnosti, která sdružuje současné i bývalé studenty fakulty, zajímající se o drážní dopravu. Kromě dopravy mě baví ještě hra na klavír a cyklistika.


Moji rodiče našli své útočiště v menším městečku Veltrusy ve středních Čechách, proto se toto místo stalo mým domovem, než jsem se přestěhovala do Prahy. Vždy jsem se zajímala o dopravu všeho druhu, avšak nejvíce mi v srdci utkvěla doprava silniční. To mě dovedlo k vystudování střední dopravní školy a studiu na naší fakultě dopravní. Ve své bakalářské práci jsem se věnovala zhodnocení aktuální provozní koncepce MHD v Kralupech nad Vltavou a jejímu zlepšení.

Our partners / Career / Practice

AFRY CZ s.r.o.
Arriva vlaky s.r.o.
BusLine, a.s.
CEDOP - Centrum pro efektivní dopravu, o.s.
ETH Curych
IVT - Institute for Transport Planning and Systems - ETH Zürich
IDSK - Integrovaná doprava Středočeského kraje
JIKORD - Jihočeský koordinátor dopravy
JHMD - Jindřichohradecké místní dráhy, a.s.
KIDSOK - Koordinátor Integrovaného dopravního systému Olomouckého kraje
Koordinátor ODIS s.r.o.
KOVED - Koordinátor veřejné dopravy zlínského kraje
Královéhradecký kraj
Ministerstvo dopravy ČR
ROPID - Regionální organizátor pražské integrované dopravy
RRA PK - Regionální rozvojová agentura Plzeňského kraje o.p.s. - Plzeň
SBB - Švýcarské spolkové dráhy
Správa železnic, státní organizace
TSK Praha a.s.
TU Drážďany
Fakultät Verkehrswissenschaften Friedrich List, TU Drážďany
Vyšší odborná škola a Střední průmyslová škola dopravní Masná

Last defended Theses

Below we present an illustrative selection of theses from our students which cover the portfolio of problems solved within the student project.

Proposal of new public transport concept for microregion Milevsko

Králová, Anežka; Diploma theses; 2024

The subject is analyse and improve current public transport concept for microregion Milevsko. Based on the findings from analysis of suburban origin-destination pairs and analysis of the current operational concept carried out in this diploma thesis, vulnerabilities are identified. Then the changes in current traffic concept are proposed and vulnerabilities are eliminated. In the end, the new concept is evaluated according to public transport service in the study area, the transport performance, the number of vehicles or infrastructural changes.

Design of traffic organization of the Plzeň - Česká Kubice railway line

Fišl, Kristián, Bc.; Diploma theses; 2023

This thesis is focused on the Plzeň – Domažlice – Česká Kubice railway line during its modernisation. It contains an analysis of current traffic concept of regional and long-distance transport on this line. Based on the analysis and restrictions the author proposes possible variants of traffic organization including substitute bus service during each stage of the reconstruction. The author recommends the best variants for each stage of the modernization.

Regional rail connection Pardubice - Hradec Králové - Náchod - Wrocław

Smetana, Leoš; Diploma theses; 2023

This thesis is focused on the proposal of a regular regional railway connection Pardubice – Hradec Králové – Náchod – Wrocław using routes via Jaroměř and Týniště nad Orlicí. For both routes, the possibilities of proposals for this connection resulting from the current state of the railway infrastructure and the proposed timetable will be determined. In case of conflicting situations, minor adjustments to the timetables will be proposed so that the existing time nodes are preserved. The final outcome of this thesis is the proposal of a new operational concept and its economic and operational evaluation.

Proposal of a new operational concept of bus traffic in the area of Rudná

Příbrský, Adam; Bachelor theses; 2023

The aim of this thesis is firstly to analyse transport relations and current traffic concept in the area of Rudná. Then based on findings from the analytic part and using principles of integrated schedule propose several new traffic concepts of bus lines. Lastly, proposed traffic concepts will be compared from economic as well as transport point of view and one will be recommended to be implemented.

Design of Key Public Transport lines in Moravia-Silesian region

Cieslar, Tomáš; Bachelor theses; 2022

Thesis deals with the design of public transport key lines in the Moravian-Silesian Region. By analysis I have found the most important transport directions and lines and according to that I have designed the key lines in this region. Thus, within the given infrastructure, a suitable modal choice is proposed for each line. I have also identified the individual timetable nodes where the lines connect to each other.

Verification of timetable concepts for Hradec Králové railway node after upgrade

Šafranko, Vojtěch; Diploma theses; 2022

The diploma thesis deals with the simulation model of Hradec Králové station and the other parts of this railway line. In the coming years will be realized the modernization of this station and the adjoining railway lines and some of them will be double – track lines. The new operating concept will be verified thanks to the simulation. This concept expects the increasing amount of the passenger transport and the freight, too - in the comparison with the operating concept included in the feasibility study.

Potential development of the Prague Integrated Transport tariff system

Macháček, Vít; Diploma theses; 2022

The aim of this master thesis is to explore and analyse the field of integrated public transport system tariff from certain points of view that are often neglected, e.g. simplicity for the passenger, fast check-in or connection guarantees. In the second part of the thesis, these theoretical foundations are applied to the Prague Integrated Transport system, where the gaps in the quality of the tariff are found using particular examples, and principles are proposed to guide the development of the tariff in order to keep public transport friendly and competitive. In the last part, the paper is complemented for some inspiring examples from other public transport systems.

Examination of long-distance train routes on the Prague - Beroun line

Fišl, Kristián; Bachelor theses; 2021

This bachelor thesis is focused on the Praha – Beroun railway line. It contains an analysis of current traffic concept of both regional and interregional transport on this route. The author proposes, examines, and evaluates several variants of the traffic organisation after the modernisation of the Praha-Smíchov – Praha-Radotín section. The output is in the form of a train timetable. In the end, the best variants for each range of traffic are recommended.

Proposal of new bus service concept for Kralupy nad Vltavou

Králová, Anežka; Bachelor theses; 2021

The subject of this bachelor thesis is to analyse and assess transport service in Kralupy nad Vltavou and based on the analysis to create a proposal of new urban service concept for Kralupy nad Vltavou, possibly with small changes in suburban transport.