Competitive public transport Periodic Timetable Research Groups

The research group of Competitive Public Transport (17X1KC, 17X2KC) is intended for students LOG/LA - Logistics and Transport Process Management in Bachelor and Master studies.


We are primarily concerned with macroscopic traffic modelling and supply design in public transport.

Macroscopic transport modelling mainly includes:

  • Four-stage traffic model,
  • Discrete choice theory.

Public transport supply design includes:

  • public transport demand analysis,
  • nalysis of the competitiveness of public transport against individual traffic and other modes,
  • design of public transport supply with respect to its competitiveness with other modes,,
  • variant proposals for public transport supply with regard to the economics of operation.

Who are we looking for?

Students who:

  • are not afraid to think,
  • want to meet regularly their supervisors,
  • want to see public transport in a real context.

What will we make of you?

Professionals who:

  • Keep both sides of the issue (supply but also demand) in mind,
  • are able to think independently.

Our project is a specialization from the parent traditional project Integral Clockface Timetable in the Czech Republic with many successful graduates. You can become one of them!

Project meetings

Our project meetings are held regularly every 2 weeks, partly together with our sister projects. We discuss current public transport issues, semester topics, transport solutions used in practice or consult bachelor and master theses. Join us mock meeting, see current dates.

projektový poster KC 2023

PDF Article PDF Presenation

Our Team

Ing. Milan Kříž, Ph.D.

Research Group Leader, Assistant Professor CTU FTS K617

"And why do you think it should ride your way and not mine?"

11DOPM - Transportation Planning and Modeling
17GEDS - Geography of Transport Systems

Ing. Stanislav Metelka

Research Group Leader, Ph.D. Student CTU FTS K617

"You can't replace a tram bell with a horn or an MP3 sound."

17TEDL - Transport Technology and Logistics
17TVD - Technology of Public Transport

Our Students


Pocházím z východočeské vesnice Kratonohy, která se nachází nedaleko Hradce Králové. Již od dětství jsem se zajímal o dopravu, především o MHD. Ale jak šel čas, tak se můj zájem ubíral postupně čím dál více do regionální dopravy, především autobusové. Té bych se rád věnoval také ve svojí bakalářské práci a i dále do budoucna. K mým koníčkům patří kromě dopravy i cestování, fotografování a sem tam nějaká ta turistika nebo cyklistika.


Jsem z Říčan, z města za velkoměstem. Odjakživa jsem se zajímal o dopravu, z počátku především o dopravu kolejovou. Na nádraží nicméně nebydlím, tudíž tento zájem se časem rozšířil i o dopravu autobusovou, a nakonec jsem dospěl k veřejné dopravě jako celku. Již nějaký čas též pracuji na mém domovském městském úřadě, kde mám na starost strategický rozvoj veřejné dopravy. Tuto práci mám velmi rád, ale od tématu dopravy na maloměstě si již chci trochu odpočinout, a tak jsem se svoji bakalářku rozhodl zaměřit na noční dálkovou železniční dopravu. Změna je život. :) Mezi mé koníčky patří cestování po Evropě (jak jinak), vychutnávání si dobrého jídla, obdivování architektury, ale i turistika a lyžování.


Celý svůj život žiji v Praze, a proto je mi doprava v tomto městě nejbližší. Zajímá mě provoz všech módů městské hromadné dopravy, ať se jedná o silniční či městskou kolejovou dopravu. Svoji pozornost také zaměřuji na budoucí rozvoj veřejné dopravy nejen v našem hlavním městě. Ve své bakalářské práci jsem se věnoval možnostem rozšíření zastávek na znamení právě na linkách Pražské integrované dopravy. Mou velkou zálibou je rovněž cestování do zahraničí i po Česku.


Pocházím z Prahy a nejen díky tomu je mi blízká zejména MHD velkých měst. Baví mě plánování veřejné dopravy, ekonomika s ní spojená, pozorování souvislostí dopravy a urbanismu nebo možnosti preference vozidel městské hromadné dopravy. V bakalářské práci jsem se proto zaměřil právě na vliv aktivní preference pražských tramvají na světelných signalizačních zařízeních a samotného provozu SSZ na atraktivitu a efektivitu dopravy. Návrhová část práce se věnovala úpravě řídicí logiky konkrétního SSZ.


Pôvodom som z Bratislavy, ale môj zápal pre dopravu ma pritiahol až do Prahy. Záujem o dopravu mám už od detstva, v ktorom som trávil dlhé chvíle nad dopravnými plánikmi a mapami, neskôr transformovaný do pubertálnej „šoto“ fázy. Aktuálne sa v rámci projektu 17KC usilujem o dosiahnutie odbornej fázy. Verím, že jej začiatkom bude moja bakalárska práca, venujúca sa systému verejnej dopravy v meste Pezinok, ktoré si dovolím nazvať najväčším detašovaným sídliskom Bratislavy. Práca pozostáva z analýzy aktuálneho stavu a následnej úpravy autobusových liniek tak, aby vytvorili spolu so železnicou konkurencieschopný dopravný systém.


Pocházím z Krasnodaru. Zajímá mě modelování a plánování veřejné dopravy. V Praze rád využívám všechny druhy veřejné dopravy. Tématem mé bakalářské práce je návrh nové provozní koncepce městské a příměstské železnice v Krasnodaru.

Our partners

TU Drážďany
Leo Expres
PTV Group
IDSK - Integrovaná doprava Středočeského kraje
KIDSOK - Koordinátor Integrovaného dopravního systému Olomouckého kraje
KOVED - Koordinátor veřejné dopravy zlínského kraje
TSK Praha a.s.

Last defended Theses

Below we present an illustrative selection of theses from our students which cover the portfolio of problems solved within the student project.

Possibilities of extending request stops in the PIT

Šlapák, Filip; Bachelor theses; 2023

The subject of this thesis is to analyse the current state of request stops in Prague Integrated Transport and other public transport systems and on the basis of the analysis to assess the possibilities of implementing all request stops in the PIT. The thesis includes a description of the requirements that should be applied before implementation of this system and also the positive and negative impacts of the extension of request stops.

New urban bus service concept for Příbram

Marášková, Iveta, Bc.; Diploma theses; 2023

The subject of the thesis is to create a new proposal for the operational concept of urban bus service in the city of Příbram. New service concept for Příbram is based on an analysis of its current state and from defined sources and destinations of commuting. Subsequently, a line guidance is specified and its operational and economic demands.

Verification of the possibility of introducing a zone-relational IDZK tariff

Havel, Dominik, Bc.; Diploma theses; 2023

This thesis deals with the description of the existing zone-relational tariffs in Czechia and the proposal of the zone-relational tariff for the Zlín Region Integrated Transport. Innovative procedures in the tariff distance matrix calculation are checked, and the method of determining the permitted journey is also qualified. A price list and an evaluation of its impact on revenues are included in the thesis. Due attention is paid to the further development of the ticket offer regarding passengers who use public transport regularly, but not on a daily basis.

Zonal timetable on railways Prague – Lysá nad Labem – Kolín / Mladá Boleslav

Heřmanová, Zuzana, Bc.; Diploma theses; 2023

The subject of the thesis is the design of the operational concept on the lines Prague – Lysá nad Labem – Kolín / Mladá Boleslav using a zonal timetable. In the first part, the definition of the zone timetable and other types of timetables is presented. In the following section, the current operational concept on these lines is examined and described in detail. The third part includes an analysis of the strategic documents with a focus on the requirements of the transport authority that are relevant to the lines in question. The fourth part contains an analysis of the traffic demand in terms of the traffic survey carried out on the lines and in terms of the traffic relations established from a statistical source. In the next section, operational concepts are proposed. In the last part, all options are evaluated and then one design option is selected and recommended.

Modification of Traffic Control with Tram Operation focused on traffic eficiency

Gregora, Tomáš; Bachelor theses; 2022

This thesis deals mainly with active tramway priority at intersections in Prague. The traffic conditions in Prague in combination with traffic light controls managements and other components providing appropriate public transport operation form a base which reflects in the reliability of the tram operation itself. In conclusion, an influence of a dynamic conduct modification of the junction is shown by benefits and impacts for various road users.

Public transport service in the town of Poděbrady

Urbánek, Adam; Bachelor theses; 2022

The subject of this thesis is to analyze the current state of public transport, transport demand and its sources and destinations in the town of Poděbrady and on the basis of this analysis to propose a suitable traffic concept of public transport in the town including its economic demands. The thesis compares three possible public transport service scenarios from which the variant of one urban line serving mainly the core areas of the town is selected as the most suitable.

New Operating Concept of the Urban and Suburban Railway in Krasnodar

Latysh, Egor; Bachelor theses; 2022

The thesis focuses on the design of the concept of passenger suburban and urban railway transport in Krasnodar, specifically selected connecting sections. The main purpose of the thesis is the analysis of the current state of transport infrastructure in the Krasnodar agglomeration and to offer operational concepts for the periodic timetable in urban and suburban railway transport. As part of the theoretical part, it analyzes the existing offer of connections and existing projects for the development of transport infrastructure of the agglomeration. The practical part is devoted to the suggestion of the operating concept of the periodic timetable, along with a comparison of the proposed option with the current state.

Railway eight in Zlin Region

Mikel, David; Diploma theses; 2022

The thesis deals with the design and evaluation of the rail service concept for regional passenger rail traffic in the Zlín Region in two different time horizons 2035+ and 2050. The basic prerequisite for the considered future state of the railway infrastructure is the construction of the so-called Bata railway from Vizovice to Valašská Polanka and the modernisation of part of the railway lines in the region. The operational concept is based on the principle of an integral clock-face scheduling with regular connections between lines at the clock-face hubs. An analysis of the current state of the railway network and planned changes was prepared as a basis for the proposal. It also includes an analysis of transport demand in the area of interest. The outputs are assessed in terms of travel time reductions and their economic impacts.

Impact of Weather on Cycling Flow in Prague

Ussipbek, Gauhar; Bachelor theses; 2022

The subject of this thesis is to determine the dependence of using bicycle on weather conditions through analysis and data processing. In the first part of the work, a literature search is performed and hypotheses are established. In the second part of the work, the analysis of data and comparison of results with results from other works are performed.